Alexis Wade is... "Rosie the Riveter" - "We Can Do It.. Again!"

Alexis Wade is... "Rosie the Riveter" - "We Can Do It.. Again!"
Pass Employment Non-Discrimination ACT

Monday, June 28, 2010

"We Can Do It... Again!"


To provide the youth of tomorrow’s LGBT community a more qualitative right to obtain employment in all fifty United States with a primary focus in transgender laws and rights based upon Equal Employment Opportunity policies.


As an outspoken and open transgender woman, and the founder of, I have been denied employment opportunities without proper reasoning amongst many companies. Based on education and employment history, and if proper qualifications of applied positions were met, and an unemployment status remains constant without reason or explanation, this hereby is considered to be discriminating based upon Equal Employment Opportunity policies.


“Qualified, hardworking Americans are denied job opportunities, fired or otherwise discriminated against just because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). There is no federal law that consistently protects LGBT individuals from employment discrimination; it remains legal in 29 states to discriminate based on sexual orientation, and in 38 states to do so based on gender identity or expression. As a result, LGBT people face serious discrimination in employment, including being fired, being denied a promotion and experiencing harassment on the job.”

“ENDA simply affords to all Americans basic employment protection from discrimination based on irrational prejudice. The bill is closely modeled on existing civil rights laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The bill explicitly prohibits preferential treatment and quotas and does not permit disparate impact suits” (


As the proposed campaign is to raise awareness under the current EDNA laws, proper legislation would provide an increase in employment opportunities for current transgender and the transgender youth of tomorrow; providing proper assistance, education and awareness under Federal Grant funding and support.


Under the proposed campaign, the website provides a stable establishment for growth under proper Federal Grant assistance and nation, state and local support.


“To love and abide the rules of pure happiness, one must feel completely whole and confident within…”

If approved, campaign “TEAM PHAT” is to resemble the famous “We Can Do It” campaign as provided by hard working women in 1942; during WWII.

The campaign will focus on the awareness of EDNA across the fifty United States of America and the importance of equality in today’s current economic struggles and society.

“TEAM PHAT” was designed and created to provide the proper education, safety, assistance and information when it comes to transition - as well as providing the importance and awareness of LBGT hate. If Federal Grant funding is provided, a safe haven “PHAT House” should be provided to assist the youth of tomorrow; preventing actions such as and Bobby Griffith.

With June being declared, “Gay Pride” month, under President Obama’s current term in office, the support is provided at the nations capitol; creating a unique & determined campaign as we have already seen in US History;
“We Can Do It”


  1. you'll Be asking to become priests soon...

  2. Why should we not discriminate about your lifestyle choice? Because you chose to mutilate your body? Soon, we'll be asked to not discriminate because of GPA or experience. Ridiculous...

  3. Well, you are not in her YOU don't understand how she feels! If you don't agree, why don't you go visit a site you agree with instead of talking shit on one that you don't! Maybe for her ... it's not mutilating her body ..maybe just maybe, it'S removing something she doesn't like. Perhaps it would be like YOU having 2 thumbs and having one removed. You don't know how it feels to have body parts that don't seem just know YOUR normal. I think YOU are Ridiculous making comments and not even have the Balls to say your Name....seems CHICKEN SHIT TO ME! ~ SANDIE

  4. Well, you are not in his YOU don't understand how he feels! If you don't agree, why don't you go visit a site you agree with instead of talking shit on one that you don't! Maybe for him ... it's not mutilating his body ..maybe just maybe, it'S removing something he doesn't like. Perhaps it would be like YOU having 2 thumbs and having one removed. You don't know how it feels to have body parts that don't seem just know YOUR normal. I think YOU are Ridiculous making comments and not even have the Balls to say your Name....seems CHICKEN SHIT TO ME! ~ SANDIE

    How this should of been written. -Anonymous#2

  5. Well "Anonymous" why should I not discriminate against your lifestyle? Oh... I know why. Because I have a life and dreams of success; and apparently - I'm doing something good because it got your attention.

    Granted, it's nothing too important because the only thing being mutilated here is your moral and value. Who are YOU to judge me?

    Are you trying to become a priest? I sure hope not cause God doesn't like those who judge people... Especially PEOPLE he created.

    Enough said. Educate yourself before you speak - Unless you can back it up. Otherwise... You've been burned from this discussion.

    Thanks & GOD BLESS YOU!


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Anonymous,

    Not only is your definition of "mutilation" vague, but also the way you express your opinion seem to be quite ignorant.

    But that's okay! There is hope... you can be enlightened.

    Think about it this way;
    Why can a "woman" enlarge her breasts to Double D's, while a "man" cannot get a vagina? This seem to be quite ridiculous doesn't it?

    That's merely due to the fact that sex and gender is constantly emphasized. But let me tell you something-- gender performance is not natural, it is taught from young age, and constantly practiced through out life. This means that outside of society's limitations restrictions, anybody can really be a woman, or a man.

  8. Something I hope to open the minds of those who choose to keep them closed and one sided. First a couple of words that may be new to some and a definition of each.
    pseu·do·her·maph·ro·dite (sōō'dō-hər-māf'rə-dīt')
    n. One that possesses the internal reproductive organs of one sex while exhibiting some of the external physical characteristics of the opposite sex.
    hermaphrodite-her·maph·ro·dite (hər-māf'rə-dīt')n.
    An individual having the reproductive organs and many of the secondary sex characteristics of both sexes.
    If science has proven the above can and does occur in people, why can't it be accepted that possibly whatever triggers one person to feel male, makes another feel female, and some to feel both? Why can't it be accepted that this trigger can make someone with a penis, be attracted to someone else with a penis the same as it make someone with a penis attracted to someone with a vagina?
    So a question for some would be this...If you have a child with a penis and a uterus, which do you remove? Do you leave both? What if you choose wrong? What if you choose to remove the uterus and your son grows up and is attracted to men? Will you call him a terrible sinner and tell him how messed up he is because of what god chose to make him feel inside? All of these people make judgments on any of these people based on what the bible says and what they say "God" says is right or wrong, but they need to ask themself why they are questioning the way "GOD" chose to make these individuals.
    All of this is far too complicated for anyone to form judgement on anyone.
    Who knows, maybe one day we will find out there is an asshole trigger that works more in some than others.

  9. Anonymous ...really, is that all you could come up with?

    <3 Alexis,
    I love you no matter your gender. Your heart is what I see. XOXO Love ya GIRL!


  11. Alexis, keep on doing what you're doing. Haters will always hate, but one day we'll get beyond the small-minded fear people seem to feel when someone takes responsibility for his or her own destiny. I think you're an amazing woman for having the guts to be who you know in your heart you are meant to be - and not that it matters in a political sense, but your picture is smashing!

  12. You are a disgrace to your own "community." You can't even make up your own mind about your sex "gender" you are. Are you a man that should have been born a woman? If so then stop leading half of your life as a man.... Become a full fledged woman. Or are you a gay man? If so then stop pretending to be a woman, and just say you like men. I wouldn't be preaching about "taking a stand" until you can make up your own mind on where YOU stand.

    You're nasty and hypocritical.....
    And just to let you know, no amount of make up or hair extensions can cover up that manly look of yours.
    Face it Alexis, you are trying to hard to be something you are not...

  13. Anonymous...

    You are a disgrace to society & live a life no more sinful than mine by being a black and bitter individual.

    I feel so sorry for you - You aren't even brave enough to reveal to us who you even are - that says enough in it's own.

    AND as far as LEADING - You got that right - I AM A LEADER & that will NEVER change - Don't forget that!

    Now stopping on the other hand.. SORRY! Get over yourself. I know where I stand, and that's right on top of you. You're a disgrace to society by hating on those whom the SAME creator made. SHOWS YOUR TRUE COLORS!

    You're nasty & a complete idiot...
    And just to let YOU know, no amount of apology will ever make up for your hateful soul when it comes that day. :) Just remember that... He's ALWAYS watching you and what you say!

    Face it "ANONYMOUS".. YOU are trying to hard to be something YOU are NOT.. and that's HUMAN!

  14. by "BLACK & BITTER" I mean -- Dark, as in dark soul... NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE - Let me just make that EXTREMELY CLEAR!

  15. In reply to the Anonymous post dated July 5th:

    Maybe it would help if you remembered that the "stand" being taken here is against discrimination, not whether Alexis or any other transgendered person sits in one camp or the other enough to suit *you*.

  16. Well, Clearly "Anonymous" is someone who knows you Alexis. You and I have talked about this in length. When you put yourself in the spot light, there will always be jealousy, ignorance and simple childishness. Be true to yourself and remember before you respond: Just as you have the right to post your opinions and beliefs, so do all others. The negativity revealed in "Anonymous'" post is clearly and internal issue. I love you and am very proud of you.

  17. Please, say a prayer for "anonymous". Pray they find happiness in their life. Only a very sad person could harbor such anger against another. Other than that - I say, you rock! Keep up the good work. Your message is being heard and while it may take time - it will happen. It has to happen. I am sure of that.

  18. look you where a protatute and now you want to be self rightoues your just seeking attention and its soo sad you couldn't cut it as a man so now your tryen to cut as a woman and you still can't cut !!!!! you are the laughing stock of the transgender community !!! do yoiu know how stupid you ??? you have stolen from people and you have no friends the only people that will follow you are the crossdresser's and like you hey at least you will have followers and you will never be a transgender you will always be a little boy in a dress minnie mouse !!!!!

  19. oh soo where suppose to have pitty on you or feel sorry for youy because you claim to be a rape victim or your lifestyle lead you to be prostatution ?? no you make choices in your life and you chose to the path you went down then you post on a ad on a well known escort website come on minnie mouse get it together then you still from your friends like courtney and doo coke all night and laugh about it look you will never be a star or famous !!! you will never be alexus you will always be alex !!!!so why dont you tell people how it makes you feel everyday you wake up an relize that you are a man not a transgender woman !!!!!have you looked in the mirrow lately ??? people like you give transgender"s bad name's i know several transgender's that have careers and job's and live there life as normal people but you gotta make it sound as if people are discrininated on thats not true and you need to stop your lie's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. so why dont you tell your community about your back page ad on line and show tell them how you sell your body to support your drug habit i will link every ad you post on back page untill you start telling the truth !!!!!! you need to stop lieing to people listen every one go to and put in keyword alexus google her name alexus wade and you will see how many time's she has posted a prostitution ad selling her self and her obscence pictures this is a fake gay advacat and she needs help serious help giveing people false hope !!!!!
